
About Own Accord

"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:7 ESV

Two things are rarely discussed in the majority of western churches, sin and tithing. In the last decade, and certainly more so since the early months of the year 2020, offering plates have disappeared and been replaced with online giving. The practice of physically bringing a check or cash and purposefully giving has been pushed aside for simply entering banking information into a website, checking a ‘once a month’ box, and forgetting you’re even giving money to the church; no different than your Netflix or NFL RedZone subscription. While we do not find anything wrong, and will continue to encourage you to give to your church body, doing so without having to think about it largely removes the decision and joy that we might otherwise have.

Own Accord was birthed with the understanding that, as Christians, our giving should not only be done cheerfully, but with intention. Paul, in his second letter to the Corinthians, instructs them to “…give as he has decided in his heart…” We believe it is time for Christians to no longer set an automated payment and forget about it; we must return to the practice of purposefully deciding in our hearts to give as God directs.

Our aim is to provide you the resources to find Christian organizations that you can prayerfully and purposefully put into practice cheerful giving.

Interested in listing your organization or submitting one? We’d love to hear from you.

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